This screen allows you to enter quickly all the thoughts you need to deal with.

Press the Add Thought icon add-thought-icon and add all thoughts. Last topic value is kept between entries. You can use the F6 key to enter a thought from any TR screen.


Once entered, the following operations can be done on one or multiple thoughts:


1. Select the thought or thoughts: hold the Shift (continuous thoughts) or Command key while selecting thoughts or use Command key+A to select all the thoughts on the list displayed.

2. Press the toolbar button. The operations are - order same as icons order from left to right:

Add Thought, Modify Thought, Delete Thought.

The last three operations let you change the processing order which is normally First In, First Out:

  • Process Immediately: the selected thoughts will be moved to the top of the thought list
  • Add as a Reference item: the thought is stored as a reference immediately
  • Add as a Someday/Maybe item: the thought is stored as a Someday/Maybe item immediately


About ThinkingRock

ThinkingRock is developed by Avente Pty Ltd, an Australian registered company.

ThinkingRock is not affiliated with or endorsed by the David Allen Company.

Getting Things Done® and GTD® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.

Read more about the ThinkingRock team in this interview on the Netbeans website

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