You need to review your lists daily and weekly to ensure you are doing what is important to you, what corresponds to your priorities or your boss priorities.

You might realise that there is a reason for the actions that don’t get moving: they might not be decomposed in small enough individual tasks to get you moving, or they might not be important enough for you.

Daily review

  • review overdue actions: either they have been done and you can check them off or they need to be re-scheduled or they are not required anymore;
  • review what you have scheduled for today, due today or need to follow-up today: set-up a Tab filtering on action date set to Today;
  • then according to the context you are in and the time available, you can do your actions and check them off as you go. TR lets you filter your to-do list in an efficient way to get you productive.

Weekly review

This article compares the Weekly Review to a Safety net. It might motivate you to perform your next Weekly Review.

  • review projects to make sure they all have active actions to keep them progressing;
  • review your actions to ensure that they are decomposed in small enough tasks to get them done;
  • review your someday/maybe items to check if any could be actioned.


If your actions list gets too long, it becomes overwhelming and you are likely to follow it less. To reduce the list, we suggest the following:

  • prioritise your actions;
  • add a due date;
  • see if some actions can be postponed;
  • some actions might need to go back to the Someday/Maybe pile;
  • some projects should be postponed: move them to the Future Projects tab.

About ThinkingRock

ThinkingRock is developed by Avente Pty Ltd, an Australian registered company.

ThinkingRock is not affiliated with or endorsed by the David Allen Company.

Getting Things Done® and GTD® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.

Read more about the ThinkingRock team in this interview on the Netbeans website

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